ARCS Scholar Profile: Sruthi Raguveer

Sruthi Raguveer (they/them), a first-year PhD student in the Chemistry and Chemical Biology program, is one of 12 outstanding UCSF students chosen to receive an ARCS scholarship. The Graduate Division interviewed them in fall 2023.

Why did you decide to pursue a PhD?

After working in industry for almost three years, I was certain that I wanted to pursue a career in biomedical research. I am pursuing a PhD to learn how to ask the right questions and investigate them through independent research.


UCSF was the perfect combination of research environment and interests for me. There were multiple professors who I could see myself working with and the older CCB cohorts seemed engaged and mostly happy. And, my transition to graduate school was also made easier by the fact that I already lived in SF!

Tell us a little about your research.

In undergrad, I studied the cytotoxicity of an integrin targeting knottin drug conjugate in pediatric solid cancers. In industry, I worked at two companies engineering bispecific antibodies for two different anti-cancer modalities. In graduate school, I hope to continue studying protein engineering, hopefully for applications in cancer therapeutics.

What are your post-graduation career goals?

I am currently open-minded about the path my future career takes. It is likely, however, that I will find myself back in the biotech industry.

What are your interests outside the lab?

Outside of lab, I enjoy cooking with my partner, spending time with friends, and occasionally making small leather goods.

Funding for the ARCS Scholarship is provided through a grant from the ARCS Foundation, whose mission is to advance science and technology in the United States by providing financial awards to academically outstanding US citizens studying to complete degrees in science, engineering and medical research. Visit the ARCS Foundation website to find out more. The Graduate Division and our students are grateful for this generous support.