Resources for Academic Career Planning

We often hear from faculty that they feel most comfortable advising trainees who want to pursue a faculty position. While this sentiment may be true for you, you may find that your trainees are seeking a slightly different type of faculty position or that the process has changed since you went through it. In case you may need it, there are resources that UCSF offers to graduate students and postdocs that can assist you with your advising and mentoring needs when it comes to career planning. 

Getting Started: Advising Your Trainees for an Academic Career

  • In what kind of institution is your trainee interested?
  • What factors make an applicant competitive at each type of institution (skills, experiences, publications, mindsets etc.)?

UCSF has a tool for you and your trainees to assess their readiness for faculty positions!

ACRA (Academic Career Readiness Assessment)

Preparation Resources for Trainees