Faculty-Student Diversity Committee


The goals of the Faculty-Student Diversity Committee are to:

  1. increase diversity of the graduate student population, and ensure graduate programs foster an inclusive and supportive learning and training environment;
  2. integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion as a key component in the success and well-being of the graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty at UCSF;
  3. share best practices on current strategies and identify gaps in recruitment and retention of underrepresented in science populations

Meeting Times and Dates

Once per quarter, first Wednesday of the month, from noon to 1 p.m.

Who attends the meetings?

  • graduate students and graduate student leaders of registered campus organizations
  • Associated Students of the Graduate Division (ASGD) diversity officers
  • basic science graduate program directors
  • basic science graduate program administrators
  • Graduate Division administrators 

Meeting Minutes


D'Anne Duncan, PhD, committee co-chair, assistant dean for graduate student affairs, Graduate Division.
Email: [email protected]

Carol Gross, PhD, committee chair, professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology.
Email: [email protected]

Jennifer Thompson, faculty analyst, departments of microbiology and immunology and biochemistry and biophysics.
Email: [email protected]