Advanced Training
in Clinical Research Certificate

The Advanced Training in Clinical Research (ATCR) certificate program consists of four academic quarters and is intended for advanced pre-doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty members who desire rigorous training in the methods and conduct of clinical research. This includes instruction in the epidemiologic and biostatistical methods used in observational and experimental clinical research as well as training in the oral and written presentation of clinical research. In addition to completing the required coursework, participants in the program are expected to develop and implement their research projects throughout the year, and they have access to ATCR faculty for guidance in methodology. (For a more in-depth program, see also the Clinical and Epidemiological Research MS program.)

There are two possible tracks for receiving program credit. The first is the traditional ATCR program, which culminates in a certificate of program completion from the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. The second option is the credit-bearing ATCR certificate program, which offers trainees the opportunity to earn graduate division credit for the courses taken as part of ATCR. See the certificate program website for a full description of both tracks.


The ATCR program has a large and diverse faculty of 125 individuals, most of whom have their primary affiliation in the UCSF Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and other departments in the School of Medicine, but also includes teaching faculty from the Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy, in the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Radiology. The program also includes faculty whose primary affiliation is outside UCSF, including experts in the field from the California Pacific Medical Center, the San Francisco Department of Public Health, and Kaiser.

The ATCR program is affiliated with the groundbreaking Clinical and Translational Science Institute at UCSF.

The ACTR program is located in Mission Hall at the Mission Bay campus. See the program website for more information.

The ACTR program is offered by the UCSF Graduate Division, administered by the UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and delivered faculty members in the UCSF schools of medicine, nursing, and pharmacy.


Program Coordinator
Clair Dunne

Program Co-Directors
Alexis Beatty, MD, MAS
Elaine Ku, MD, MAS