Graduate Division Accommodations Process

UCSF is committed to ensuring access to graduate education for all students. Early communication with the relevant administrators is critical to a successful partnership in arranging accommodations. The Graduate Division encourages students with disabilities to (first) disclose to the Office of Student Disability Services. SDS is the appropriate and confidential office for seeking accommodations and will coordinate communications and procedures with you and the graduate faculty and programs.

How to Register for Accommodations

1. Meet with Student Disability Services (SDS) to register for services.
Phone: (415) 476-6595
Email: [email protected]

Accommodations in the classroom setting are determined separately from those in the lab setting. If you believe you may need accommodations in the lab setting, discuss your needs with SDS and make a request for lab accommodations as early as possible.

2. SDS will work with your program director and administrator to determine if the requested accommodations are reasonable within the classroom and lab.

3. Once you are registered with SDS and your request has been approved, you will be provided with a copy of your accommodation letter, which will describe your eligibility for services. A copy will also be sent to the program director and administrator.

4. As the student, you MUST send an electronic copy of your letter — and any future modifications or additions — to faculty for classes in which you wish to receive accommodations.

For testing accommodations (extra time, reduced distraction), students should notify their faculty at least four weeks before the start of the course or, minimally, two weeks before the exam.

Different exam levels MUST be individually addressed (e.g. qualifying exams vs. standard in-class exams).

For note taking and alternate format media accommodations: follow the procedures outlined by SDS in advance of each quarter. 

How to Use Accommodations in the Lab

Students must request lab accommodations through SDS. If you are approved for accommodations, follow these guidelines:

  • If physical space or placement needs are identified, you must notify the program director at least four weeks before the scheduling process to ensure proper placement.
  • If accommodations are at a clinical or lab site, notify your program director two months before the start of the rotation or placement. Do this by email and attach a copy of your letter of accommodation, which outlines your specific accommodations.