DEI Resources

Graduate Division DEI Primer

The Graduate Division DEI Primer is meant to:

  • establish groundwork that is essential to empower research faculty to be active, committed participants in diversity work within the Graduate Division,
  • accompany and support the Faculty Guide: Talking about Race and Inequity in Science, and support research faculty engaging in important conversations,
  • provide clarity on how equity and inclusion are integral components to diversity, and
  • serve as a living glossary of important terms and key frameworks, which faculty can refer back to as needed.

Graduate Division DEI Primer       



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Selected Resources

Institutional Barriers, Strategies, and Benefits to Increasing the Representation of Women and Men of Color in the Professoriate: Looking Beyond the Pipeline

  • Women and men of color represent growing populations of the undergraduate and graduate student populations nationwide; however, in many cases, this growth has not translated to greater faculty representation. Despite student demands, stated commitments to diversity, and investments from national organizations and federal agencies, the demographic characteristics of the professoriate look remarkably similar to the faculty of 50 years ago. Many strategies to increase faculty diversity focus on increasing representation in graduate education, skill development, and preparation for entry into faculty careers. While these needs and strategies are important to acknowledge, this chapter primarily addresses how institutions promote and hinder advances in faculty diversity. Specifically, extant literature is organized into a conceptual framework (the Institutional Model for Faculty Diversity) detailing how institutional structures, policies, and interactions with faculty colleagues and students shape access, recruitment, and retention in the professoriate, focusing on the experiences of women and men of color. A failure to address these challenges has negative implications for teaching, learning, and knowledge generation; consequently, this review also presents research documenting how women and men of color uniquely contribute to the mission and goals of US higher education.

Disarming Racial Microaggressions: Microintervention Strategies for Targets, White Allies, and Bystanders

  • Given the immense harm inflicted on individuals and groups of color via prejudice and discrimination, it becomes imperative for our nation to begin the process of disrupting, dismantling, and disarming the constant onslaught of micro- and macroaggressions. This article introduces a new strategic framework developed for addressing microaggressions that moves beyond coping and survival to concrete action steps and dialogues that targets, allies, and bystanders can perform (microinterventions). 

Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide

  • One way to achieve social change in an organization is to incorporate a racial equity and inclusion framework. Learn the seven concrete steps for foundations and other organizations to take now.

The Science of Equality in Education: The Impact of Implicit Bias, Racial Anxiety, and Stereotype Threat on Student Outcomes

  • This report reviews the research evidence of the role of implicit bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threat on the academic and disciplinary outcomes of students. This report is an update of Perception Institute’s 2014 report The Science of Equality, Volume 1, which examined these phenomena in education and in healthcare.
  • Topics covered: The mind sciences, implicit bias, racial anxiety, stereotype threat, implicit bias interventions, reducing racial anxiety, and stereotype threat interventions.

The Language of Diversity

  • This article asks the question, ‘what does diversity do?’ by drawing on interviews with diversity practitioners based in higher education in Australia. Feminist and postcolonial scholars have offered powerful critiques of the language of diversity. This essay aims to contribute to the debate by examining how diversity workers work with the term ‘diversity’ within the context of education. It shows that diversity as a term is used strategically by practitioners as a solution to what has been called ‘equity fatigue’; it is a term that more easily supports existing organizational ideals or even organizational pride. What makes diversity useful also makes it limited: it can become detached from histories of struggle for equality. The article explores how practitioners have to re-attach the word diversity to other words (such as equality and justice), which evoke such histories. Diversity workers aim to get organizations to commit to diversity. However, what that commitment means still depends on how diversity circulates as a term within organizations.

United States of Anxiety - Podcast Series about the history of Racism in the US

  • Election season has officially begun -- and that means we are back! And this season, we’re gonna really lean into one part of our mission: to explain the roots of the deepest, oldest debates in American politics and society. Because you know, there was this moment in middle school that’s always stuck in my head. I had a teacher and he was lecturing about the Civil War, and he was kind of going on about it being a war over states rights. Now, I was way too young to really know the history, but still, as I listened to him, I felt like -- this is wrong. Somehow black people were being erased in this, and that mattered. Because how we tell the story of the past, absolutely shapes what we think about the future.That’s the idea that inspires this whole season. I’m Kai Wright, and welcome back to The United States of Anxiety -- a show about the unfinished business of our history, and its grip on our future.

Recommended Episodes:  Season 4, Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

6 Quick Ways to be more inclusive in a virtual classroom

  • You will have to create a free account in order to access this article. If you do, there are many great resources and articles available to you.

White Academia: Do Better

  • As academics, we occupy some of the most privileged spaces in the world. We have access to ground-breaking research included in top-tier journals. We are scholars. We are educators. We are researchers. We have Ph.D. degrees, medical degrees, and master’s degrees. Academics are highly intelligent and yet we cannot somehow figure out how to engage in anti-racist scholarship for personal and professional growth.


Ten Simple Rules for Building an Anti-Racist Research Lab

  • Demographics of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce and student body in the U.S. and Europe continue to show severe underrepresentation of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). Among the documented causes of the persistent lack of diversity in STEM include bias, discrimination, and harassment of members of underrepresented minority groups (URMs). These issues persist due to continued marginalization, power imbalances, and lack of adequate policies against misconduct in academic and other scientific institutions. All scientists can play important roles in reversing this trend by shifting the culture of academic workplaces to intentionally implement equitable and inclusive policies, set norms for acceptable workplace conduct, and provide opportunities for mentorship and networking. As scientists are increasingly acknowledging the lack of racial and ethnic diversity in science, there is a need for clear direction on how to take anti-racist action. Here we present 10 rules to help labs develop anti-racists policies and action in an effort to promote racial and ethnic diversity, equity, and inclusion in science.

Addressing racism and disparities in the biomedical sciences

  • Bias and racism in the biomedical community thwart scientific advancement, reduce the pipeline of diverse clinicians and scientists, and contribute to racial and ethnic health disparities. We advocate for proactive antiracism approaches to eliminate barriers impacting people of color, promote equity and achieve a more effective biomedical community.

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: A Model To Guide Cultural Transformation in STEM Departments

  • Despite recent interest and pressing need, we lack a clear model of culturally relevant, responsive, sensitive teaching in university STEM departments. Most culturally relevant efforts within STEM education address actions individual professors can take within their own classrooms and mentoring, rather than describing how to go about enacting cultural transformation at the departmental level. In this article, we propose the application of the Ladson-Billings model of culturally relevant pedagogy to promote an inclusive culture within undergraduate STEM departments. The model consists of three components: academic success, cultural competence and integrity, and critical consciousness. We define each component and describe what it looks like and how it can be used to guide departmental transformation, including examples in biology, physics, mathematics, and computer science departments at our own institution. This model can help guide faculty committed to creating departments where all kinds of STEM students can thrive, provided they are willing to work hard.

On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life

  • What does diversity do? What are we doing when we use the language of diversity? Sara Ahmed offers an account of the diversity world based on interviews with diversity practitioners in higher education, as well as her own experience of doing diversity work. Diversity is an ordinary, even unremarkable, feature of institutional life. Yet diversity practitioners often experience institutions as resistant to their work, as captured through their use of the metaphor of the "brick wall." On Being Included offers an explanation of this apparent paradox. It explores the gap between symbolic commitments to diversity and the experience of those who embody diversity. Commitments to diversity are understood as "non-performatives" that do not bring about what they name. The book provides an account of institutional whiteness and shows how racism can be obscured by the institutionalization of diversity. Diversity is used as evidence that institutions do not have a problem with racism. On Being Included offers a critique of what happens when diversity is offered as a solution. It also shows how diversity workers generate knowledge of institutions in attempting to transform them.

*This book is available through the UCSF library.*

The Science of Equality in Education: The Effects of Gender Roles, Implicit Bias, and Stereotype Threat on the Lives of Women and Girls

  • Perception Institute partnered with the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society and the Center for Policing Equity to produce this report, which synthesizes a wide range of research on the impact of gender roles, implicit gender bias, and stereotype threat on the lives of women and girls, particularly in the workplace and education settings.

A Lesson In Bias: The Relationship Between Implicit Racial Bias and Performance in Pedagogical Context

  • We posit instructors' implicit racial bias as a factor in racial disparities in academic achievement and test the relationship between this factor, instructor lesson quality, and learners' subsequent test performance. In Study 1, white participants were assigned to the role of instructor and gave a short lesson to a learner who was either black or white. Instructors' implicit bias predicted diminished test performance on the part of black, but not white, learners. Further, instructors' anxiety and lesson quality, as rated by coders, mediated the relationship between their implicit bias and learners' test performance. In Study 2, a separate sample of non-black participants watched videos of instructors from cross-race lessons from the first experiment. Once again, instructors' implicit bias predicted diminished test performance by participants. These findings suggest that underperformance by minorities in academic domains may be driven by the effect implicit racial biases have on educators' pedagogical effectiveness.



Updated September 17, 2020