Fall 2024 Updates
► We would like to recognize and celebrate Berty DC Arreguin for completing her Rosenberg-Hill Graduate Research Fellowship. Berty has contributed immensely to the progress of our research goals and will be missed!
► We would like to recognize and celebrate Jessica Ip for her service to our team as the Programs and Assessment Specialist, she left her position at UCSF on August 30 and will be missed!
► Check out SRTP in the News! One of our 2024 undergraduate SRTP interns, Melissa Solem, and Corey Harwell, an SRTP alumnus and PI who mentored her this summer are featured. Insights from Drs. D’Anne and Carol are also shared!
Last updated on September 10, 2024.
► Check out The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Team Monthly Picks, an invitation for you to read (or watch, or listen) along and enter into dialogue with our team members.
The Graduate Division is committed to cultivating an environment of justice, equity, equity, and inclusion (JEDI) for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars at UCSF. The following events and programs are aimed at administering JEDI efforts in four key areas: community building, mentorship and advising, career and professional development, and campus climate.
Scroll down or click on your area of interest in the grid to see more about...
NIGMS/IMSD Fellows and Affiliates Program
The National Institute for General Medical Sciences Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (NIGMS/IMSD) Fellows and Affiliates Program at UCSF is designed to support PhD students in basic science graduates programs in their first two years of their studies. In addition to financial support for 18-21 students per year, IMSD fellows are offered a variety of professional development and social activities throughout the year. Funded by NIGMS and the Graduate Division.
Summer Research Training Program
UCSF’s major outreach program to recruit students to basic science PhD programs. Undergraduate students selected for the Summer Research Training Program (SRTP) spend up to 10 weeks working with UCSF faculty members on research projects. Participants in the program take part in seminars, lectures, and social events, creating a cohesive and supportive community. At the end of the program, students give presentations of their research and get valuable feedback from students, postdocs, and faculty at UCSF. The 2025 summer program will be held in person from June 1 to August 8, 2025.
Annual Events
Annual Retreat in Community Building
PhD Students Third-Year Reorientation
Reunite: Diversity Soiree
Creating Community: Building Resilience among Graduate Students and Postdocs
Series and Recurring Community Building Events
International Pronouns Day
International pronouns day seeks to make asking, sharing, and respecting personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Co-sponsored by the UCSF LGBT Resource Center, the Graduate Division, and other campus partners.
LGBT Community Social at SPARK
Community building social event for LGBT graduate students and postdocs, and allies at SPARK Social SF at Mission Bay.
First Generation to College: Are you the first person in your family to graduate from college? The events below help build community and offer support and visibility for first generation (First Gen) to college students. All events are co-sponsored by the Graduate Division Dean's Office and UCSF First Generation Support Services.
First Gen Welcome Dinner
Community building evening, featuring a keynote address by a first generation to college graduate student, faculty, staff or alumni, for graduate students who are first generation to college.
Training, Education, and Professional Development
Racism in Science (GRAD 202)
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Academic Leadership (GRAD 210)
Winter 2025 | Faculty Instructor: D'Anne Duncan, PhD
The goal of this course is to bring together training in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) and leadership to prepare UCSF graduate students to incorporate JEDI values in scientific leadership roles. JEDI training is typically offered ad-hoc, as separate from scientific and professional training, making it difficult to integrate JEDI values into current and future leadership roles, such as leaders of research teams and labs. This course will offer an opportunity for graduate students to gain competence in JEDI concepts and values and, importantly, to practice applying these concepts.
The 2025 application cycle is now open! Visit the course page to learn more.
Research on Racism in Science Mini-Courses (GRAD 219)
On-Campus Recruitment
Allyship Breakfasts
The Graduate Division Dean's Office and the UCSF SACNAS Chapter co-host these yearly breakfasts during PhD recruitment weekends. Graduate students and the Student Success Dean and Outreach Program Manager serve as panelists to discuss the climate at UCSF, and campus resources, such as the IMSD program, are highlighted. Over the past few years, these breakfasts have been re-imagined by Tetrad alum Dr. Joselyn Del Cid, Biomedical Sciences alum Dr. Raul Torres, Biomedical Sciences alum Dr. Melissa Spear, Biomedical Sciences PhD Candidate Ramiro Patiño, Tetrad alum Dr. Robert Efraín Díaz, and Assistant Dean for Learner Success, Dr. D'Anne Duncan.
Network Initiative
Launched in 2018, the Network Initiative aims to connect current and prospective PhD students to build a professional network and community, share experiences, and provide insight into the campus culture at UCSF. Currently, seven basic science graduate programs participate in the Network Initiative, including: Tetrad, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, the Medical Scientist Training Program, Neuroscience, Biomedical Informatics, Biophysics, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics. Contact Dr. D'Anne Duncan if you'd like your graduate program to participate. This program was developed by Tetrad alum Dr. Roberto Efraín Díaz and Dr. D'Anne Duncan.
Learn about additional outreach activities in the Graduate Division.
The Graduate Division is committed to providing programming and support for students in science. Education research, funded by the NIGMS Initiative for Maximizing Student Development grant, is being conducted by the Graduate Division to better understand factors of identity and belonging in order to improve the campus environment. This research will directly inform how different interventions are developed to improve the PhD student experience and this work may extend to postdoctoral researchers.
(Re)Defining Success: UCSF Graduate Student Experiences, Identity, and Community Survey (Launched June 2021)
Faculty-Student Committee
This group of graduate students and faculty work together to address issues of campus culture focusing on recruitment and retention of students in science. The Faculty-Student Diversity Committee meets once per quarter.
► View the task force report: Steps Towards Dismantling Systemic Racism and Anti-Blackness in UCSF Basic Science PhD Programs
Faculty-Dean's Office Task Force
This group of faculty and Graduate Division Dean's Office staff will specifically focus on understanding goals and strategies and identifying gaps at the institutional levels in the Graduate Division. View the meeting notes of the faculty-dean's office task force. *Note: As of October 21, 2020, this Task Force has been dissolved. Recommendations were identified and they will be included in the work being completed by the Student-Faculty Task Force.
Student-Faculty Task Force
This group of graduate students and faculty will work across programs to examine strategies to be adopted in common by all programs. View the meeting notes of the student-faculty task force.
Student-Led Initiatives