"My aim was to study community engaged approaches and methods for reducing health inequities. The UCSF Center for Community Engagement offered me an opportunity to immerse myself with leaders in the field."

— Dimpho Orionzi, PhD student, Sociology


The Sociology PhD program at UCSF offers an exceptionally deep curriculum focused on the sociology of health, illness, biomedicine, and health care systems. The program is one of the most highly ranked graduate programs in sociology nationwide: the National Research Council in 2010 ranked the UCSF program 6th-20th out of a field of 118 sociology doctoral programs. The program features extensive training in both general sociological theory and the sociology of health, illness, and medicine; it also provides rigorous methodological training in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, including hands-on learning through the conduct of original research. Commitments to social justice and reducing health inequalities pervade the curriculum and the research of faculty and students.


Faculty for the Sociology program include five core Sociology faculty as well as more than 35 Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) faculty members, including emerita, adjunct professors, and volunteer faculty.

The Sociology Program is part of a network of social science communities at UCSF, including the Institute for Health & Aging, the Emancipatory Sciences Lab, the Center for Health and Community, and the Social and Population Sciences Research Consortium. The program also has key relationships with such Bay Area intellectual communities as the Science & Justice Research Center (at UC Santa Cruz), and the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society (at UC Berkeley).


race, class, gender and health
social policy and health policy
social determinants of health, including community and individual exposures to violence, incarceration, and work conditions

Faculty affiliated with the program have additional expertise in aging, genomics, HIV/AIDS, and violence as a health issue.

The Sociology program office is located at the Mission Bay campus. Visit the program website for more information.

The Sociology program is offered by the UCSF Graduate Division, administered by the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) in the UCSF School of Nursing, and delivered by faculty members in the UCSF School of Nursing.


Program Manager
Brandee Woleslagle Blank

Program Director
Kristen Harknett, PhD