Biomedical Imaging MS

The Master of Science in Biomedical Imaging (MSBI) program is intended for students with bachelor's degrees, advanced pre-doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, residents, researchers and faculty members who wish to master biomedical imaging and research methods to enhance their research designs and broaden their investigative projects.

The UCSF MSBI Program is one of the first of its kind in the United States. It is unique in terms of the breadth and depth of subject matter conveyed over a relatively short period of time. MSBI graduates may matriculate through the program in either three or four 10-week academic quarters.


The MSBI Faculty comprises 15 professors and associate professors who are part of the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging. In addition, throughout any academic quarter, five to eight guest lecturers from the department, as well as from other departments at UCSF are invited to offer lectures and share expertise in any core course or elective.

Research Areas

cancer imaging; neurological imaging; musculoskeletal imaging; abdominal/pelvic imaging; nuclear-optical imaging; image processing and analysis; imaging study design; diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound; radiopharmaceutical probes; MR pulse sequence development

Career Outcomes

Graduates of the MSBI program have continued on a variety of paths since graduation. These include: medical school, doctoral programs, internships and employment in academic labs, as well as internships and employment in industry.

The MSBI program office is located at the UCSF China Basin campus, where the majority of the MSBI program lectures and labs are also convened. Some labs are convened offsite (e.g., at UCSF Mission Bay Campus and the Veterans' Administration Medical Center in San Francisco). Visit the program website for more information.

The Biomedical Imaging MS program is offered by the UCSF Graduate Division. The program is administered by the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging and delivered by faculty members in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.


Program Coordinator
Michael Leon

Program Director
Youngho Seo, PhD

Director of Graduate Studies
Susan Noworolski, PhD