Medical Anthropology PhD Program Statistics

Enrollment Headcounts (Fall 2022)


Citizenship Headcount Percent
TOTAL 10  
U.S. citizens and permanent residents 10 100.0%
URG 4 40.0%
International 0 0.0%


Gender Headcount Percent
TOTAL 10  
Male 4 40.0%
Female 6 60.0%


Type 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Applicants  32 - 26 - 20
Admits 4 - 6 - 4
Matriculants (enrolled) 3 - 5 - 3
Admit rate (selectivity)


- 23.1% - 20.0%
Yield 75.0% - 83.3% - 75.0%

Median Time to Degree for Recipients

by academic year of conferral


Citizenship 2008-22
TOTAL 6.13
U.S. citizens and permanent residents 6.25
URG 6.25
International -


Gender 2008-22
TOTAL 6.13
Male 6.13
Female 6.13

Cohort Completions

by academic year of entry

Degree 2004-06 2007-09 2010-12
TOTAL entering 9 3 7
Earned PhD 9 3 5
Earned master's 0 0 1
Still enrolled fall 2021 0 0 0
No degree earned 0 0 1
Total completed (PhD or master's) 9 3 6

PhD Completion Rates

by academic year of entry


Citizenship 2004-12
All Recipients 89.5%
U.S. citizens and permanent residents 88.9%
URG 100.0%
International 100.0%


Gender 2001-09
Male 83.3%
Female 92.3%

You can also see these statistics in an interactive dashboard.

UC San Francisco is a member of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science.